Touring Personnel

Touring Personnel

By default, personnel are displayed in the roster in their primary base and department (as setup in the personnel wizard). When personnel tour to other bases, they can be temporarily transferred to that base in the roster for a specified date range.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Select  Operations >  Roster. The Online Roster screen is displayed in a new window.

  2. Click Expand [] for the required base location and department.

  3. Drag and drop the required person to the required base. The Tour Resources dialog box is displayed.

  4. Select the target base in the To Base drop-down list.

  5. Specify the period the person must be located at the target base in the Between and And date pickers.

  6. Click [Tour]. The Online Rostering screen is updated and the person is transferred to the new base.

  • During the tour period the touring user is listed at their touring base with an asterisk next to their name to indicate they are touring.

Rostering Module Guide:

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