Setup Aircraft Resource Requirements

Setup Aircraft Resource Requirements

Air Maestro allows you to associate the required resource requirements for each task type.

For example, a ‘HEMS’ task type may require an Aircraft, Pilot in Command, Co-Pilot, and Flight Nurse as resources.

When you schedule the task type, the system flags whether the task type meets the minimum resource requirements.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Select  General >  Setup > Scheduling. The Scheduling Setup screen is displayed.

  2. Select the tab corresponding with the required task type (in the example below ADHOC Flight is the required task). The Default Resourcing Requirements pane is displayed

  3. Click [Add Resource Requirement]

  4. Enter the name of the resource in the Resource Name field. For example, Aircraft, Secondary Aircraft, Simulator etc.

  5. Select the ‘Aircraft’ resource type from the Type drop-down list. The resource options are updated depending on the option selected.

  6. Select the total number of this resource type required for the task type from the # Required drop-down list.

  7. Select the maximum number of this resource type required for the task type from the Max. Resources drop-down list.

  8. Click [modify] corresponding with the Endorsement Restriction field, to restrict the aircraft resource to a particular endorsement. If the aircraft resource does not require a specific endorsement proceed to Step 11.

  9. Enter the first characters for the required endorsement code and select the required code from the drop-down list.

  10. Click [update] after all required type restrictions are selected.

  11. Click [modify] corresponding with the Recency Requirements field, to ensure the aircraft resource meets particular recency requirements. If the aircraft resource does not require any specific recency requirements proceed to Step 14.

  12. Enter the first characters for the required aircraft recency item and select the required recency from the drop-down list.

  13. Click [update] after all required recency items are selected.

  14. Click [Insert] to save the resource.

Video Guide:

Scheduling Module Guide:

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