Setup Sunrise/Sunset Options
Setup Sunrise/Sunset Options
Air Maestro’s Scheduling module includes a feature to calculate the sunrise and sunset times at each base location for scheduled tasks.
Step-by-step guide
Select General > Setup > Scheduling. The Scheduling Setup screen is displayed. The Sunrise/Sunset Options pane is displayed adjacent to the Scheduling Options pane.
Select the Display Sunrise/Sunset Times in Scheduler option to view the sunrise and sunset times at the base corresponding with the scheduled task.
Select the applicable option from the Zenith drop-down list.
Enter the required offset for the sunrise and sunset times in the Apply offset of text box.
- Select the applicable rounding options for the sunrise and sunset times in the then round and to the nearest text boxes.
Click .
- To calculate the sunrise/sunset times for a base location, ensure the GPS co-ordinates and the time zone are set for the location. Set the GPS co-ordinates via Operations > Locations > All Locations > Location Details. Set the time zone via Operations > Locations > Bases > Base Details.
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