Viewing the Scheduler

Viewing the Scheduler

Scheduling Fundamentals

Air Maestro’s scheduling module allows users to create compliant schedules in an online environment. Schedules created in Air Maestro can be verified to ensure they meet the work practice and resource requirements as setup by your organisation. Furthermore, the notification tool allows you to automatically alert assigned personnel if a task is not allocated or does not meet the task requirements.

The Filters

There are a number of filters users can select to view schedules in the desired format. The available filters are linked to the view type and may not be available in each view type.



Task Type

Use the Task Type filter to view selected task types in the schedule.

Group By

Use the Group By filter to group the scheduled tasks by Base, Personnel, Aircraft, Task Type or Task.


Use the Base filter to view selected base locations in the schedule.


Use the Department filter to view selected base locations in the schedule.


Use the Zoom filter to view the scheduled tasks for a single day, three days, week or fortnight. This filter is only available in the Timeline view.

Display Exact Times

Use the Display Exact Times option to display the scheduled tasks according to their start and end times in the schedule. This filter is only available in the Timeline view.

Switch Orientation

This option is only available in the Week and Rolling Week views when grouping is applied in the Group By filter.

Begin Validation

Click [Begin Validation] to validate the compliance of all tasks listed in the current view.

The Views

There are five views users can select from when viewing the scheduler.




Use the Day view to view a single day in the schedule. Times are listed vertically.


Use the Week view to view a single week in the schedule. Times are listed vertically and days of the week are displayed horizontally.

Rolling Week

Use the Rolling Week view to view a single week in the schedule, commencing from today’s date. Times are listed vertically and days of the week are displayed horizontally.


Use the Month view to view a single month in the schedule.


Use the Timeline view to view scheduled tasks in a selected time period in a Gantt Chart format. Combine the Timeline view with the Group By filter options, to display scheduled tasks by Base, Personnel, Aircraft, Task Type or Task.

Tool Tip Attributes

Scheduled tasks can be hovered over to display further information about the scheduled task. In the example below, the task is titled ‘Hospital Transfer’. When hovered over the details of the task are displayed.



Task Type and Name

The first section of the tool tip, displays the task type (HEMS Flight) and task name (Hospital Transfer).


The Date field displays the date of the scheduled task and the corresponding day of the week.


The Time field displays the start and end time of the scheduled task.


The Duration field displays the total duration of the scheduled task, automatically calculated based on the start and end time.

Flight time

The Flight Time field displays the total flight time associated with the scheduled task.


The Route field displays the route associated with the scheduled task.


The Description field displays the detail of the task as entered in the Description text box on the Task Details tab.

Resource requirements

The last section of the tool tip, displays the resources required for the task type and if applicable the names of the resources assigned to that task. In the example above, there are two resource requirements (Aircraft and PIC) and both are unallocated.

Custom Fields

If custom fields have been enabled for the task type and completed, the hover also displays the completed details.

Scheduled Task Compliance Icons

Can icon indicates the compliance status with work practices and recency requirements for scheduled tasks. The following icons are used to indicate task compliance.



No Icon

Normal view of a scheduled task. Indicates that all resource requirements are allocated and there are no conflicts with overlapping tasks, rostered data etc.

A blue icon in the upper right hand corner indicates a notice for the scheduled task.

A notice could be triggered by one of the following:

  • An aircraft or personnel has been assigned as a resource multiple times for the same task
  • An aircraft or personnel has been assigned as a resource for the task, but they are not currently located at the task base
  • A personnel resource assigned to the task has a work practice control on the task date in the caution threshold

A red icon in the upper right hand corner indicates a critical alert for the scheduled task.

A critical alert could be triggered by one of the following:

  • A required aircraft or personnel resource has not been assigned to the task
  • An assigned aircraft or personnel resource does not meet the resource requirements for the task
  • An assigned aircraft or personnel resource has an overlapping task (and it is a requirement of the task that resources cannot overlap)
  • An aircraft resource assigned to the task is offline
  • A personnel resource assigned to the task is on leave
  • A personnel resource assigned to the task is not rostered on duty (or standby) on the task date (and it is a requirement of the task that resources are rostered)
  • A personnel resource assigned to the task has a work practice control on the task date in the critical threshold
  • A mandatory custom field has not been completed

Step-by-step guide

  1. Select Operations > Scheduling > Scheduler. The Scheduler screen is displayed.

  2. Modify the filters and views to suit your requirements.

  3. Select the required date period using the date picker.

    The Scheduler for the selected period is displayed.

  4. Hover on a scheduled task to display more information for that task. The tool tip is displayed.

    If there are any unallocated resources for this task, they are highlighted by the ‘Unallocated’ red text. An icon indicates the compliance status with work practices and recency requirements for this task.

  Video Guide:

Scheduling Module Guide:

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