3.7 Password Policy
Ability to Lodge ‘Anonymous’ Safety Reports
Ability to Lodge 'Confidential' Safety Reports.
Ability to Restrict Personnel that do not meet Recency Resource Requirements
Access Template Changes
Additional text boxes for 'Action' page.
Allowing User to Select Alert Type for Form Sign-offs
Audits (Last Updates Date)
Categorisation of Finding
Counting change for 'Renewal window'
Document Library Changes
'Finding Owner’
Flight Records Changes
Forms Changes
License Expiry
'Mark as Completed' checkboxes
Miscellaneous Changes on Work Practices
New Function in Personnel Picker
New Option to Validate the Legs in Crew Details Section
On-type option for Timesheet recency items
Prior Sleep Wake Rest (PSWR) warning is removed for Leave shift codes
Providing Dominance to Renewal Window and/ or Grace Period
Recency Changes
Removal of the "Optional" wording from the fields that are not mandatory in the PWA (App).
Roster Changes
Safety Reporting Changes
Scheduler Changes