Import / Export Timesheet Data
If you have an account on one Air Maestro site and you wish to transfer your data to another Air Maestro site, follow the below steps:
Step-by-step guide
- Login to the site you wish to export from and go to your Timesheets
- Click on Tools > Transfer in the top right hand corner
- Select the From and To date that you wish to transfer, or leave blank if you wish to export all Timesheet data
- Click ‘Export’, this will save the file to your computer as a ‘csv’ file
- Login to the site in which you wish to import the data and go to your Timesheets
- Click on Tools > Transfer in the top right hand corner
- Click the ‘Select’ button and locate the ‘csv’ you just downloaded onto your computer
- Note at this point you can choose to overwrite the data or not if there is an overlap
- Click the Import button and then the transfer will complete
- The data that will be copied is the users Timesheet, Flight Hours and Logbook Totals. No company related data will be transferred, only the totals.
- All shift codes in the Timesheets will appear in the new site as 'Imported Data'.
- All Aircraft Registrations will appear in the new site as 'Imported'.