Entering crew hours brought forward
Select Operations > People > Personnel. The Personnel screen is displayed.
Browse for the required user in the Personnel screen.
To quickly find a particular user without browsing the register, use the Quick Find feature. Select ‘People’ from the first drop-down list and select the required user from the second drop-down list.Click [Details] to view detailed personnel information. If you do not have the required access level to view personnel details, a warning is displayed.
Select ‘Log Book’ from the Personnel Profile pane. The Log Book screen is displayed.
Click [Hours Brought Forward]. The Hours on Type pane is enabled.
Click Edit [] corresponding with the required task type. The fields in the selected row are enabled.
To setup additional tasks, select Manage > Setup… > Timesheets. Select the Flight Tasks tab. Enter the new task in the Pilot Flight Tasks Setup pane and click [Add].Enter the total task time for each of the endorsements.
Click [ ] to save the totals for the task. Click [ ] to cancel the changes.
Repeat Steps 6-8 for the remaining tasks.
Click [OK].