Setting Up Password Controls

Setting Up Password Controls

Air Maestro’s password control feature allows organisations to setup rules regarding user password requirements.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Select  Setup > Personnel. The Personnel Setup screen is displayed.

  2. Select the applicable password options in the Password Complexity Requirements (for non-LDAP accounts) pane.

    Wizard Stage


    Require at least 1 uppercase and lowercase character

    Select whether passwords need to contain at least 1 uppercase and lowercase character.

    Require at least 1 numeric character

    Select whether passwords need to contain at least 1 numeric character.

    Require at least 1 non-alphanumeric character

    Select whether passwords need to contain at least 1 alphanumeric character.

    Minimum password length is X characters

    Enter the minimum characters required for passwords.

    Require users to change their passwords after X days

    Enter the number of days passwords remain valid. After the days elapse, users are prompted to change their password and the system does not allow them to proceed until they do so.

    Lock out users after X failed logins

    Enter the number of permitted invalid login attempts before system lock out.

  3. Click [Save Changes].


Password Control Module Guide:

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