Roster Dashboard Custom Fields
You can show Timesheet custom fields in the Roster Dashboard to provide extra details at a glance.
As users submit their timesheet, you can choose which custom fields to show against rostered data on the dashboard.
Each active department has their own custom field setup, so keep this in mind when choosing which custom fields to show on the dashboard.
Table of contents
Setting up custom fields
Please note to avoid applying update and display conditions on custom fields you want to show on the Roster Dashboard.
This functionality is not yet supported due to the lack of interactivity of the dashboard.
On the desktop Air Maestro app, go to the three cogs on the top-right of the screen to go to the Setup page.
Under Operations, click Timesheet Setup.
Choose a Department you want to manage custom fields in from the Department dropdown.
Edit an existing custom field by clicking the pencil icon, or alternatively, create a new one.
Scroll down until you see the header labeled Roster Dashboard.
Check the Display On Dashboard checkbox.
Two additional options appear beneath the checkbox - choose one to control how the custom field appears on shifts (read Display on Dashboard options below to learn more).
Click Insert or Update if creating or updating a custom field, respectively.
If you have the Roster Dashboard open on another page, refresh the browser to get the latest custom field data.
From this point forward, any submitted timesheets that includes custom fields with the configuration above will appear on the Roster Dashboard.
If you have the Roster Dashboard open, refresh the browser page to see any updated custom field data.
Display on Dashboard options
The following options below control how custom field values appear on shifts on the Roster Dashboard.
Show with shift for the input timesheet
The custom field value will appear on the shift on the same day as the timesheet that was submitted.
Show with the next shift after the shift for the input timesheet
The custom field value will appear on the next shift after the day of the timesheet that was submitted.
To illustrate the options, below is an example numeric textbox for pilots to enter the number of hours rest they’ve had after a shift.
As a pilot submits a timesheet for a particular day, Option A will show the custom field value against the same shift on that day on the dashboard.
On the other hand, Option B will show the custom field value on the next shift on the dashboard instead of the same shift. Below is a diagram to help illustrate both options. The green text indicates a custom field and its value.
What’s more is if the 13 Aug shift above has surpassed the viewing window* of the dashboard, Option A will not show the custom field as the shift will not be visible (unless the shift is a Late Night Operation going into 14 Aug).
Option B however, “passes” the custom field value over to the next shift for the personnel (if rostered).
*To learn more about viewing windows, visit Roster Dashboard Viewing Windows.
Use cases for Display on Dashboard options
For most cases, you or your organisation may prefer seeing custom field values for rostered shifts on the day the timesheet was submitted.
However, one use case that utilizes Option B above is tracking previous shift information to consider for the current shift. Using the example above, an organisation may require a minimum rest period of 8 hours before commencing the next shift.
Using Option B, the custom field value will feed through to the next shift so that on the next day, that information can be considered by relevant managers to ensure that personnel are fit for their shift.