How to conduct an Audit via the PWA app

How to conduct an Audit via the PWA app

The PWA app is specifically developed for mobile devices. Using this app, auditor can conducts audits, hence the audit should be created prior from the desktop Air Maestro application. The app is capable of working online as well as in offline mode.

These are the steps of how to conduct an audit via the PWA app.

  1. Login to PWA with your username/ password and PIN. You will land on to the below home page.


  2. Click on the Three lines on top left corner to view the menu.

  3. Select ‘Audits’ to view the audit schedule.

    • You can narrow your search options by using the filter function.

  4. Click on the audit, that you want to conduct. This will open that audit.

    • You will see the usual 5 tabs for the audit.

    • If a field is optional, you will see the ‘Optional’ text within bracket.

    • Navigate to next and previous tabs using the ‘Next’ and ‘Previous’ buttons.

    • If only all the items in the checklist is audited, you will see the ‘Close’ or ‘Request Signoffs’ button in the ‘Summary’ tab.

    • Click on the ‘Close’ button to close the audit, or ‘Request Signoffs’ to request the signatures for the sign-off. The sign-off person can login to the system to sign-off the audit. You can close the audit once the signoffs are completed.


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