Aircraft Maintenance Status

Aircraft Maintenance Status

When Maintenance events are created for an Aircraft, they will be assigned one of the following statuses:

Offline (red)

  • Aircraft has any In-Progress maintenance events (not tied down to a particular date range)

  • Aircraft Unserviceable


Alert Triggered (orange/amber)

  • Aircraft has one or more maintenance events that is neither Completed nor Cancelled, with any enabled alert(s) triggered

    • For the last rule (the third checkbox in the screenshot below), the enabled status is ignored. If disabled, the Due Date is cleared to then check if it becomes overdue.

  • Aircraft Unserviceable

Overdue (orange/amber)

  • Aircraft has one or more Confirmed maintenance events and is either Unscheduled (no Start and End date), or starts before or on today and ends after or on today

  • Aircraft Unserviceable


Online (green)

  • Aircraft has no maintenance events that meet any of the conditions above

  • Aircraft Serviceable

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