Roster Personnel Notes in the Roster Dashboard

Roster Personnel Notes in the Roster Dashboard

Roster personnel notes can be used to provide some additional general information when viewing the dashboard.

Any saved notes will be displayed beneath the personnel’s name, wherever they appear.

Only two lines are displayed before content is truncated, however you can hover over this text to show a tooltip that will containing the entire note.

Setting up Roster Personnel Notes

  1. In the Rostering page, expand any base and department, or search for a particular personnel.

  2. Right-click on the personnel in the dropdown tree, then click View Details.


  3. A popup window will appear. In this, look for the Notes textbox, then click the blue pencil square icon to make edits.


  4. Enter a note, then click the green check mark to save the changes.


The note should now appear beneath the respective roster personnel’s name (and in the tooltip when hovering over the note), wherever they appear:




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