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Air Maestro provides you with a static dashboard that displays all published Rostered shifts (that are not Leave or Non-Duty codes) for the current day, and any late-night operations from the day preceding and/or following.


  1. On the top-right corner of the page, click the three cogs to go to the Setup page.

  2. Under Operations, click Rostering Setup.

  3. On the right side of the page is the Rostered Departments section - please review that all applicable departments you would like to see in the dashboard are checked.

  4. In addition to published roster data, the shift codes require the Shift Time start and end time fields to be populated. In the blue side menu, click Operations > Rostering.

  5. On the left panel, you have your duty period shift codes.

  6. Right-click a shift code of your choosing, then click Edit Shift Code….

  7. In the Shift Details section, find the label Shift followed by Start and End, then fill in a time in HHmm format for each field:

  8. Click Save.

    1. (info) Note: If the shift code has been used previously, these changes will prompt you to select a date in which the new changes will take effect from. The current date will be populated by default.

    2. If prompted, select a date, then click OK.

  9. Once the roster calendar refreshes, the duty period’s changes have now been updated.


  1. Select General > Dashboards. The Dashboards menu is expanded:

  2. Select Roster Dashboard under the respective header:

  3. The Roster Dashboard has been implemented in the ‘PWA’ app, so your browser will redirect to it. However, you may be prompted to authenticate your identity by entering your four-digit PIN or get you to create one (if you haven’t logged in yet).

    1. When logging in for the first time, you may be redirected to My Schedule. If this is the case, copy and paste the following URL below, then add it at the end of the address bar located at the top of your browser: /app/#/dashboard/roster

  4. Once authenticated, you should now see roster data on the dashboard:


Roster personnel notes

Any saved notes for a roster personnel will be displayed in the dashboard, wherever they appear. Only two lines are displayed before content is truncated, however you can hover over this note to show a tooltip that will show the entire note.


To find/set roster personnel notes:

  1. In the Rostering page, expand any base and department, or search for a particular personnel.

  2. Right-click on the personnel in the dropdown tree, then click View Details.

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  3. A popup window will appear. In this, look for the Notes textbox, then click the blue pencil square icon to make edits.

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  4. Enter a note, then click the green check mark to save the changes.

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The note should now appear beneath the respective roster personnel’s name (and in the tooltip when hovering over the note), wherever they appear:


More Roster Dashboard guides
