Consider a form setup like the following:
Filling out the form with the following values:
And exporting it using the auto generated template as seen in the following:
Results in the following word document:
This holds all of the same values, and an edited template can make these groups clearer. To illustrate the groups are as following:
However in this example, its not immediately clear which package arrived first. As the arrival times are currently giving the same order that they were entered in with the form.
It is possible in AirMaestro to export an ordered table of custom fields.
First, access the setup:
Then select Form Options:
Select export templates:
Select the form type you wish to use. And if you would like to make a new template, click ‘Generate Word Template’
If you did click ‘Generate Word Template’ open the document, in this example its clearer now why it looks like the previous explained images.
Back in AirMaestro upload the document so that we have this template available.
Now select it in the drop down:
We are presented with the following after selecting a template:
To begin select the amount of table columns that will be shown, note that this results in 1 higher then the amount selected, as it is not including the Comparison Custom Field, which will be explained below. In this example we have selected 3 columns, and the type of comparison we wish to make is of Date Time, so we select that filter type.
Now we must pick the fields we are going to compare, in our example we are comparing the Arrival Time that parcels arrive at. So we select them like in the following:
*Note that you can type in this box to search for the fields you wish to select.
Once we are happy with the Custom Fields we are going to compare, click the save button
Now we must associate the fields we wish to show for each of the Comparison Custom Fields,
First select a Comparison Custom Field:
As earlier we have selected (3) Table Columns, we are presented with (3) fields to fill:
Lets pick the Related Custom Fields that we wish to show:
*Note that you can type in this box to search for the fields you wish to select.
For our example we have picked the following:
After selecting the desired Custom Fields, save the related custom fields
After saving, change the Comparison Custom Field, and repeat for each.
Now after all Comparison Custom Fields have had their Related Fields set, we must verify the template:
On success we are presented with the following message:
If the verification failed, change the Comparison Custom Field dropdown, set Related Fields and click [Save Related Custom Fields] for each.
Now that our template is verified we will have gained the following section, also note the status has become a ✓:
Download the Template Table:
Open the document that was downloaded and we can see the following:
Following the instructions placed in the document, proceed with replacing the Title and the Column headers:
In our example, we’ve given the names
Title: Land Parcels
- Arrival Time
- Parcel Name
- Weight (KG)
- Electronic?
Note that we have changed the from (Fragile) in the form, to (Electronic?).
You can freely edit the names of the headers and titles, however ensure to not alter any of the other values in the table.
Lets further continue by editing the style:
Select the entire table, click Table Design (This is on Word Microsoft 365 MSO version, yours may differ)
And further lets go ahead and change both the Font and Font Size:
With this done copy the entire table (Using right click > copy, or CTRL C / Command C)
Open the template being edited, and paste it into the document in the desired blank space.
In the example used we have pasted it at the bottom as seen in the following:
Save the template and once again return back to the Export Template Section.
Upload the newly edited document that now includes the table:
You will be presented with the following prompt, if not ensure the names of the documents match as our intention is to update your existing template.
With this done return to the form and choose our new template.
Click the uploaded template and observe the template be filled out as intended:
In our example we have now successfully exported the table in order of Parcel Arrival Time, with the related fields appearing as expected.
Lastly, for time efficiency we have also included a copy feature, in that you can copy ALL settings from another already verified template.
This can be performed as in the following example:
If using the copy feature ENSURE to still follow the steps of downloading the table document, adding it into your template document, and uploading it once more, as this will not be done automatically.