Editing or Deleting an Exam Category

Before creating an exam in the exam module, you must create an exam category. Each exam must belong to an exam category. Exam category names can be edited and deleted (only if no exams are assigned to the category).

Step-by-step guide

Edit an Exam Category:

  1. Select Operations > Exams. The Manage Exams screen is displayed.

  2. Select Exam under Manage Categories from the left hand side Exam menu. The Manage Exam Categories screen is displayed.

  3. Click for the required exam category. The Remove Exam Category screen is displayed.
  4. Edit the exam category and access as required.

  5. Click .

Delete an Exam Category:

  1. Select Operations > Exams. The Manage Exams screen is displayed.
  2. Select Exam under Manage Categories from the left hand side Exam menu. The Manage Exam Categories screen is displayed.

  3. Clickadjacent to the relevant question category. The Remove Exam Category screen is displayed.

    You can only delete exam categories which do not have any associated exams.

  4. Click [OK]. The Manage Exam Categories screen is displayed with the deleted exam category now removed.

Video Guide:

Exams Module Guide: