The safety report champion / investigator may initiate an investigation forum into a safety event if they require more information. If you are required to participate, you are notified by email and an alert in Air Maestro®.

(blue star) Step-by-step guide

  1. Select Safety → Safety Reports. The Browse Safety Reports screen is displayed.

  2. Click [(blue star) ] for the required report. The Report Details tab for the selected report is displayed.

  3. Click the Forums tab.

  4. Click [New Comment] in the Investigation Forum pane.

  5. Enter your comment in the text box. If you require feedback from a particular user, select the Request Followup From tick box and the required user from the dropdown list.

    (blue star) If you wish to perform a spell check on your comment, click [Spell Check].
    (blue star) If you wish to upload a file to support your comment, browse for the file and upload it in the Associated Documents pane.

  6. Click [OK]. Your comment is added to the Investigation Forum pane.

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(blue star) Related articles

The content by label feature automatically displays related articles based on labels you choose. To edit options for this feature, select the placeholder and tap the pencil icon.