Previously, if a user had ‘Check Form Administration’ access level, they would be able to create and edit check form templates as well as submit, view and modify check forms. To align access levels with other modules' administration access levels, this has now been corrected so the user can only create and edit check form templates (i.e: Only able to preform administration tasks related to check forms). Therefore, with 3.7.XXX2.21 release ‘Check Form Administration’ access level will be changed to only have access to create and edit check form templates and checklists and NOT to have submit, view and modify access for check forms. Accordingly, the current description of the access level (i.e: Allows the user to create and edit check form templates and checklists as well as submit, view and modify all checkforms) will be modified to ‘Allows the user to create and edit check form templates and checklists’.