Creation of a category (folder)
In WM folders are referred as a ‘Category’. Once a category is created in WM, the WM administrator needs to give ‘view’ access to that category to view in AM document library. Please follow below steps to create a new category in WM and provide view access to that category (Note: You need to have admin access to create a category in WM).Go to ‘Document’ → Click on ‘Add Category’ → Name the ‘Category’ → Click ‘Save’.
(You will see already created categories like in below screenshot)Now you need to provide ‘View’ permission to the newly created category.
Go to ‘Users’ → Permissions → Click on the 'intersection of Air Maestro API and new category name cage’ until you get the ‘V' [background striped purple colour]. (Refer number 3 in below images) → Click on ‘Update’ (Striped Purple background will turn into solid Purple background).